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The happiness week

Hello everyone, I hope all is well and you are as happy as I am I am posting Late this week but I really did not have any time due to some exciting events. This week was kind of busy, but it was not too much work. As planned I went about my usual plan for the week. Did my potato puree every day, but there were some changes with the pure we started using different potatoes and instead of putting half Challot and half Canaria we had to put half Challot and half of some other type of potatoes that changed the puree completely. Actually to be more precise it changed the absorption, of the potatoes to the milk and butter. Apparently this type of potatoes has a lot less water and is more absorptive, so I was just whisking in the liquids and I noticed the change thinking it was the new sort of potatoes…. But of course for a second I panicked a bit and thought that I did something wrong (which would be nothing new under the horizon), I checked everything, how much did I put? When did I put it? How did I put it? And sooo on then I asked my chef the partie what was the problem and he confirmed that it was the new potatoes, he had a quick chat with the sois chef and we added some more milk and the problem was fixed. Other than that I did not have any other changes at work. If someone who is not interested in cooking read my blog he would probably not believe for how long I wrote about potatoes….. There was however a big change outside of work….

One of my best friends from university was sent to Tenerife to start work with us in M.B!!! I am so happy she arrived on the 30th of April and I was busy showing her around Tenerife and helping her with all the documents and task we had when we came here.

We also had some fun time in restaurants and bars. And had some traditional Spanish paella.

Well that’s it for this week I hope you are okay. Adios todos!

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